Annual accounts of a Luxembourg company:Key legal requirements, recent updates and potential penalties in case of non-complianceLuxembourg law of 18 December 2015 implementing Directive 2014/59/EU on bank recovery and resolution and Directive 2014/49/EU on deposit guarantee schemesLuxembourg Developments in Investment ManagementA better work-life balance: The Parental Leave Reform
The beginning of 2016 is the time to address New Year’s greetings. It also marks, for companies closing their financial year on December 31st, 2015, the beginning of the process of preparation and approval of the annual accounts.
The beginning of 2016 is the time to address New Year’s greetings. It also marks, for companies closing their financial year on December 31st, 2015, the beginning of the process of preparation and approval of the annual accounts.
We take this opportunity to briefly recap (1) this process, (2) the recent amendments of the applicable laws in this field, and (3) the potential penalties in case of non-compliance with this process.
The principal applicable laws on this matter are the law of 10 August 1915 on commercial companies, as amended (the “Company Law”), and the law of 19 December 2002 relating to the Trade and Companies Register and annual accounts, as amended (the “RCS Law”).
Step 1: Preparation of the annual accounts
Step 2: Preparation of the management report
Step 3: Supervision of the annual accounts
Step 4: Relevant documentation to be made available to the shareholders
Step 5: Convening and holding of the annual meeting of the shareholders
Step 6: Filing
After the introduction of the petition by the Public Prosecutor, the possibility to avoid the judicial dissolution shall be discussed before the Court (even if in the meantime the company has regularized its situation and has approved and filed all its annual accounts).
For more information please contact:
Mathieu Laurent
Etienne Hein
In the last quarter of 2015, Luxembourg implemented Directive 2014/59/EU of 15 May 2014 establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investments firms (“BRRD”) and Directive 2014/49/EU of 16 April 2014 on deposit guarantee schemes (“DGSD” and together with BRRD, the “Directives”) by way of adopting the law of 18 December 2015 on resolution, recovery and liquidation measures of credit institutions and some investment firms, on deposit guarantee schemes and indemnification of investors (the “Law”) which is divided into three parts followed by a final part regrouping amending provisions.
In the last quarter of 2015, Luxembourg implemented Directive 2014/59/EU of 15 May 2014 establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investments firms (“BRRD”) and Directive 2014/49/EU of 16 April 2014 on deposit guarantee schemes (“DGSD” and together with BRRD, the “Directives”) by way of adopting the law of 18 December 2015 on resolution, recovery and liquidation measures of credit institutions and some investment firms, on deposit guarantee schemes and indemnification of investors (the “Law”) which is divided into three parts followed by a final part regrouping amending provisions.
Before considering the scope and the content of the Law, a quick overview of the context of the Law seems to be appropriate.
The financial crisis which emerged in 2007 made it clear that the regulation and supervision of bank activities needed to be harmonised across the European Union (the “EU”). The crisis revealed in particular a misjudgment of risks by the banking sector and hence, in 2012, the European Council agreed to “break the vicious circle between banks and sovereigns”. One of the EU’s responses to correct previous loopholes was to establish the so-called Banking Union.
The Banking Union is based on three pillars. The first pillar on single supervisory mechanism in relation to policies relating to the prudential supervision of credit institutions has already been implemented through the Luxembourg law of 23 July 2015 by transposing into Luxembourg law the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD IV).
Consecutively, the second pillar of the Banking Union on the bank failure management system, called the single resolution mechanism, has now been implemented by the Law transposing the BRRD and the third pillar relating to the deposit guarantee schemes has also been implemented through the Law by the transposition of the DGSD into Luxembourg law.
The financial crisis has shown the need to strengthen the crisis management mechanisms at national level and to set up mechanisms to better manage the failures of pan-European banking groups. Therefore, the Law aims to fill the gaps identified during the last financial crisis through the implementation of the Directives which are arising from the Banking Union’s context.
The first part governs the resolution of credit institutions and certain investment firms. The resolution is an administrative measure that aims to restructure “gone concern” banks experiencing serious financial difficulties to ensure the continuity of its core activities (i.e. activities relating to deposits or credits) and to avoid any systemic impact.
The Law distinguishes three stages in the bank recovery and resolution: (i) preparation and prevention, (ii) early intervention and (iii) the resolution tools.
Resolution takes place if the preventive and early intervention measures fail to prevent a further decline of a situation to the point that the bank could default or threaten to default. If it turns out that no further action would avoid the failure of the bank and if the public interest justifies it, the resolution authority will take the control of the financial institution and will agree on the implementation of specific resolution measures.
The Law foresees the following resolution tools:
i. Disposal of activities (part or all) of the failing bank by the competent authority without shareholder consent;
ii. Implementation of a “bridge bank” (identification of good assets and essential functions and segregation to create a new bank. Toxic assets and non-core functions are then liquidated under normal insolvency proceedings);
iii. An asset segregation allowing a transfer of toxic assets to a “bad bank”; and
iv. A “bail-in” permitting the recapitalization of the failing bank by cancelling or diluting shares and reducing debts by converting into shares.
The Law creates also a Luxembourg resolution fund (Fonds de Résolution Luxembourg) which will finance the implementation of resolution tools, which may be used to, among others, guarantee the assets and liabilities of a credit institution or an investment firm under resolution, make contribution to a bridge institution or pay compensation to shareholders or creditors.
The CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) is designated as resolution authority for Luxembourg, with a distinct department within the CSSF, namely “conseil de resolution”, which will assume the resolution functions.
If needed, the CSSF will collaborate with the European Central Bank and the Luxembourg Ministry of Finance to exercise its resolution powers.
This second part of the Law gathers the actions regarding the reorganisation and winding-up of credit institutions, investment firms and other professionals of the financial sector managing third parties funds and abrogates part IV of the Luxembourg law of 5 April 1993 on the financial sector (the “Financial Sector Law”) in order to comply with the provisions of the BRRD.
The Part II of the Law covers the following topics:
The third part of the Law implements notably the provisions of the DGSD in Luxembourg law with the aim to better protect the depositors and investors and to shorten the delay for compensation of depositors.
The Law creates a new public deposit guarantee system under the name of Fonds de Garantie des Dépôts Luxembourg (the “FGDL”) which replaces Association pour la Garantie des Dépôts Luxembourg, a funded system governed by a private association of local banks.
The FGDL is covering all eligible deposits for each depositor up to a total amount of EUR 100,000. It should be noted that, deposits are covered per depositor per bank, the limit of EUR 100,000 applies to all aggregated accounts at the same bank. However, some deposits are excluded from the scope of the Law, such as interbank deposits, insurance deposits, UCI’s deposits, etc.
Moreover, the reimbursement period for depositors will be reduced from 20 business days to 7 business days.
In terms of financing, the FGDL will in a first stage be funded with contributions of 0,8 % of the total guaranteed deposits no later than 31 December 2018. Thereafter, the institutions will contribute to an additional buffer of 0,8 % of covered deposits within a period of 8 years. It is agreed that the additional buffer will not be included in the mutual European deposit guarantee fund which will be implemented under the third pillar on deposit guarantee schemes of the Banking Union.
The Law sets up a new compensation scheme for investors, namely Système d’indemnisation des investisseurs Luxembourg (the “SIIL”). This system protects investors in Luxembourg credit institutions and investment firms, Luxembourg branches of credit institutions and investment firms having their registered office in a third country.
The SIIL will be financed by ex-post contributions and will cover all investment transactions for each investor up to a total amount of EUR 20,000. However, the Law excludes a list of assets from the protection, such as the receivables of UCIs, insurance companies, pension and retirement funds, etc.
With regard to the repayment deadlines, the investors shall be reimbursed no later than 3 months after the agreement on the eligibility and the amount of debt.
It is worth noting that a high level of protection will be insured to depositors in specific personal circumstances. Depositors will be protected for up to EUR 2.5 million for a period of one year starting from the moment on when the deposits have been made, in case of, for instance, an inheritance, an arrangement due to a divorce or the sale of a building.
The fourth and final part of the Law amends the Financial Sector Law so as to introduce the BRRD provisions on recovery. These provisions apply to credit institutions, some investment firms and some financial holding companies which will be required to draw up recovery plans and to take steps to better manage recovery. The Law also provides for exemptions and simplified obligations for specific cases.
Moreover, this part of the Law defines the new governance structure of the CSSF, as described above, by inserting it into the law of 23 December 1998 establishing a supervision commission of the financial sector for Luxembourg and the early intervention measures to be implemented by the CSSF (changing management, convening shareholders, appointment of temporary administrators, etc.).
Finally, the Law is a further step in the implementation of the Banking Union which aims to prevent and better manage an eventual financial crisis, by providing for a stronger legal framework for the recovery and resolution for failing or likely fail bank or institutions.
For more information please contact:
Laurent Massinon
Sinan Ulker
On 14 December 2015, the bill of law introducing a new type of alternative investment fund (“AIF”) in Luxembourg, the fonds d’investissement alternatif réservé (i.e. “reserved alternative investment fund” or “RAIF”) was submitted to the Luxembourg Parliament and published on its website (the “Bill”).
On 14 December 2015, the bill of law introducing a new type of alternative investment fund (“AIF”) in Luxembourg, the fonds d’investissement alternatif réservé (i.e. “reserved alternative investment fund” or “RAIF”) was submitted to the Luxembourg Parliament and published on its website (the “Bill”).
The RAIF has the same essential characteristics as the Luxembourg specialised investment fund (the “SIF”) but will neither be subject to the prior authorisation, nor the ongoing supervision of the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (the “CSSF”).
In terms of investor protection, the RAIF will have to appoint a duly authorised alternative investment fund manager (“AIFM”) in Luxembourg or in another EU Member State and will therefore be subject to indirect regulatory supervision, as the AIFM shall be responsible for ensuring that the RAIF under its management complies with applicable product rules. In addition, it will benefit from the European marketing passport.
Existing regulated funds such as SIFs, as well as unregulated structures or partnerships, may be able to convert into a RAIF, and conversely a RAIF may opt for a regulated regime (e.g. SIF, Part II fund, SICAR) subject to relevant regulatory approvals.
The Bill is currently being reviewed by the Conseil d’Etat and is expected to enter into force during the second quarter of 2016.
On 8 December 2015, the CSSF published a first version of Frequently Asked Questions (the “FAQs”) on the Law of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment (the UCI Law“). The questions addressed in the FAQs consolidate the existing CSSF practice as regards eligible assets and diversification rules applicable to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (”UCITS”).
Regarding the control and holding limits imposed by Article 48 (2) of the UCI Law, the CSSF confirmed that for an umbrella UCITS fund, such limits apply at sub-fund level.
Julie Thai
Jonas Mullo
On January 15th, 2016, the draft law n° 6935 on the reform of parental leave (the “Reform”) was submitted to the Chamber of Deputies.
On January 15th, 2016, the draft law n° 6935 on the reform of parental leave (the “Reform”) was submitted to the Chamber of Deputies.
The main objectives of the Reform are: to have a better work-life balance, meet the parents needs’ expectations, increase the number of people (especially fathers) who take a parental leave in order to promote equal opportunities, etc.
In order to achieve those objectives, the Reform, which will normally come into force before the end of the year 2016 and be retroactively applied, provides major changes to the current parent leave regime which can be requested by parents in case of birth or adoption of one or more children.
What are the major changes introduced by the Reform?
According to the Reform, all parents who work at least 10 hours per week will be eligible to a parental leave. And subject to the agreement of all employers, the parent who works at least 10 hours per week for multiple employers will also be able to take parental leave.
Moreover, if the parent changes employer during the 12-month period preceding the request for parental leave or during this leave, the allowance may be allocated to him/her if the new employer gives his consent. Furthermore, the refunding of the allowance which has already been paid will not be requested.
The last modification of the prerequisites is that both parents will have the option to take the parental leave at the same time.
Regarding the first parental leave, no changes have been introduced by the Reform as this leave must be taken immediately after maternity or adoption leave. However, for the second parent leave, the Reform provides that a parent will be able to benefit from such leave until the age of 6 (instead of 5) of the concerned child (or 12 years in the case of an adoption).
In addition, the first and the second parental leave can be taken either 4 or 6 months for a full-time parental leave (and not only 6 months) or 8 or 12 months for a part-time parental leave (and not only 12 months).
Furthermore, with the prior consent of the employer, parents will be allowed to split the parental leave as follows:
In those cases, a parental leave plan which aims to indicate the effective period(s) of leave must be concluded by mutual agreement and signed by the parent and the employer at least 4 weeks before the start of the requested period of leave.
As in the current law, employers will be obliged in any case to accept the request for a full-time parental leave, but can object the request for a part-time parental leave or for a split leave proposal. In this case, the employer should propose an alternative to the employee. If the parent refuses such alternative, he/she will nevertheless still be able to benefit from the full-time parental leave.
Finally, the gross monthly parental leave allowances are currently fixed at 1,778.31 € in case of full-time parental leave and at 889.15 € in case of part-time parental leave.
Nevertheless, the Reform provides an important modification as regard the parental leave allowance.
In fact, the parental leave allowance will be linked to the beneficiary’s remuneration and will become a real replacement income which amount will be calculated over a 12-month period preceding the request for parental leave. The gross replacement income of the parent who works full-time (i.e. 173 hours per month) will thus be set between 1,922.96 € (minimum social wages for unskilled workers of 18 years and over) and 3,200 € per month.
Marie Sinniger
Steffi De Saedelaere